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What you’ll learn

What can I do to have an amazing start to my sisterlocks journey?

To start off, here at Fantabulous Locs we are made to serve you. Make you feel good, be the helping hand in your journey to confidence, and create safe and nurturing environment for you to grow in. So, the first step in anything is really understanding yourself and your wants along with your needs, here are some questions to start with:

  • Why am I starting this loc journey?

  • What does my Fantabulous Woman look like?

  • How do I feel about my own hair as it stands right now?

Once you’ve visualized these questions, make the personal, intimate decision to love yourself and except your self through this process because you are worth it!

Meet your loctician

Petra Jacob

Hi, I'm Petra! I'm a mother, entrepreneur, Certified loctician, and Sisterlocks specialist with over 10 years of experience. Sisterlocks has been a transformative journey for me, teaching me acceptance and unlocking my confidence. I believe that Sisterlocks is a beautiful part of embracing your inner Fantabulous Woman.

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